I know the first time I heard the Latin phrase in loco
parentis was sometime in my early days of working for a small law firm in Port
Angeles. The law is one of the few
arenas where Latin is still tossed around willy nilly. Amicus curiae (friend of the court), de novo
(anew), duces tecum (bring with you), ex post facto (after the fact), habeas
corpus (have the body) and lis pendens (suit pending) are still in common daily
usage where I work. In the beginning, I
was constantly asking the meaning of Latin terms. Now, if I don’t know them already, I can
often puzzle out their meaning from the Latin I do know.
In loco parentis means in place of the parents and is often
used in describing the role of school in a child’s life. This week, however, it was the phrase that
popped into my head when we were asked to stand as godparents to two children
who are very dear to us. My husband and
I have not been blessed with children and we have left that in the hands of the
Almighty. I have found that I cannot
write about the subject easily and so have left it on the shelf to simmer until
As I looked down at the two sweet faces that had no idea
what we were discussing with their parents, I was first and foremost filled
with the thought that I hoped the guardianship would never be necessary. Believe me, John and I will be praying with
all our might for the health and well-being of their parents to ripe old
age. The second thought that moved my
husband and me both nearly to tears was the humbling amount of trust and love
that was being bestowed on us.
I turned 37 two months after we married. We allowed ourselves some time to settle into
marriage and talked at length about children both before and after we
married. We decided that we would try to
have children but that we would take no extraordinary measures to do so. After a time, it was clear that it wasn’t
what God had for us and we quietly put that dream away. That being said, I don’t know if you will
find two people that value and honor what it means to be a parent more than we
I think especially after we knew that we would not have
children of our own, I began to look around at those in my circle of family and
friends that are parents. I will say
that I cannot think of a single one of them that doesn’t realize what a
tremendous amount of work it takes to be a good father or mother. I would also say, that without exception, I
think they are doing fantastic jobs raising the ones to whom they have been
entrusted. I know there must often be
days when infanticide seems a real possibility after a difficult time with a
child but I also know that they see how greatly the blessings outweigh the
problems. I think they also realize what
a brief span of time they will have with their children before they are grown
up and flying the nest.
In my line of work at the Court, I regularly review cases
that involve the physical or sexual molestation of a child. As much as humanly possible, since it is not
my job to do so, I avoid the facts of the cases because I found early on that
the disturbed me to such an extent that I could think of little else. If anything will turn you into a vigilante,
it is child abuse cases.
Recently as I was setting aside several briefs that had been
returned from the printer, I realized that attached to the copy of one was
series of color photographs. The first
one caught my eye because it was a picture of a cell phone text message. As I turned to the next one, there was a
photograph of a little girl of about two years old. She had big brown eyes and soft curly hair
the color of honey. As I continued to
flip through the photographs, I went on to find a series of photos taken at the
hospital of her little body which had been horribly abused. There are some things that cannot be unseen.
I will not bore you with overmuch with what had to be done
next. The photos were an exhibit in the
case that had been provided as a courtesy by the prosecutor’s office and should
not have been attached to the brief nor added to the printed copies. Another co-worker and I quickly rectified the
situation for the case manager that had made the mistake since she was out of
the office. Both of us spent the rest of
the day feeling quite ill over the photos.
The little girl survived her abuse and her abuser, if there is any
justice in the universe, will never be outside a jail ever again. He does not have a very good basis for an
appeal from which I take a good deal of comfort. I also take comfort that child abusers do not
fare very well in our prisons. My last
source of relief is my belief that someday in the future, that man will stand
before God and answer to Him for what happened.
Why am I telling you this?
Confession is good for the soul.
Also, I want the parents of all the children John and I stand as
guardians for to know that both of us would give our very lives to keep their
little ones safe should that ever be necessary.
If you have children of your own or children that are dear to you, give
them an extra cuddle after you read this.
Not all children are as fortunate as yours.
I totally related to this because I have such a difficult time with the child abuse reports that I deal with at my job at the Sheriff's Office. I actually spoke to a counselor about it at one point because it is so haunting! God bless you and the part you play--even behind the scenes--in helping bring these little victims some justice. And may God give you the strength and peace of heart to keep your head above water when you see things you can't unsee. Hugs to you!!
Thanks for your comment, Loretta. Hugs to you too!
My heart aches for what you had to witness......You and John are an Amazing couple. I know The Lord has big plans for you both. ~~~~~~Lisa Banks
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